About Us

Mission: At Temi Scholars, our mission is to make a meaningful difference by empowering individuals through the art of book writing and publication, with a steadfast commitment to personal safety. We understand that financial hardships, such as job loss, identity theft, or unexpected crises, can impact anyone. Our mission is to offer a reliable pathway to generate income and improve financial stability through writing, while providing essential support and resources to enhance personal safety and resilience.

Vision: We envision a world where creativity and security are seamlessly integrated, enabling individuals to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Our inclusive program is dedicated to supporting those facing financial or personal safety difficulties. By delivering accessible resources and guidance, we help transform ideas into published works and build a community where creativity thrives within a secure and supportive environment. Our goal is to foster a resilient and nurturing community where each individual has the opportunity to turn their challenges into achievements and realize their dreams.

Scholarship: Temi Scholars Scholarship Program is dedicated to providing world-class education opportunities to applicants from developing countries by covering standardized test and application fees, along with offering mentorship to guide them through their educational journey. We seek academically outstanding students who need financial assistance to attain their dreams. Please visit the Scholarship page for more information.

60 Days to Your Published Book

When you join our free 60-day email course, you’re not just signing up for a writing program—you’re embarking on a proven pathway to success. Our program offers meticulous step-by-step guidance and unwavering support, entirely free of charge, to help you achieve your goals. We’ll assist you from brainstorming and refining book ideas to crafting engaging narratives, designing striking covers, and mastering the publishing process.

Each day, you’ll receive actionable insights and practical tips that bring you closer to finishing your book and reaching a financial goal of $1000. We’ve chosen $1000 as our target because it represents a meaningful, attainable milestone that can make a tangible difference in financial circumstances. This amount is designed to be a realistic goal that demonstrates the potential of a book while offering a solid foundation for future earnings.

Our course is dedicated to unlocking creative potential and fostering financial growth. We’re confident that by achieving this $1000 target in just 60 days, individuals will be set up for even greater accomplishments ahead. Experience the thrill of seeing a name on a published book and the satisfaction of hitting a significant financial goal. Trust in our free program, and turn writing dreams into reality within just one month.